ICRE 2022: SCML presentation in Porto
Last Friday, Smart2B team from Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML) participated in the third Porto ICRE – Porto International Conference on Research in Education – held in Porto between the 20th and 22nd of July 2022.
The team had the opportunity to present the project in general, covering all its different areas. It was also highlighted Smart2B goal to create an energy sustainability program aimed at children and young adults, to be implemented in the pilot phase of the project and which will be the core of future SCML activities and projects. Along with the energy sustainability program that the project aims to create, during the presentation the audience was given an overview of the science and educational methodologies that will be applied in it.
After the presentation, the people present gave very interesting feedback, namely in relation to the gamification concept that Smart2B will implement with its end-users, a concept that is being developed by the partners EDP New and FC.ID. Regarding this concept, it has already proven to be a success in business environments and the team is positive that it will certainly be equally successful in a more educational field.
ICREE 2022 was a very popular conference, with the presence of professionals from different areas, ranging from education to engineering. About 380 participants attended, whether they were speakers or just spectators, coming from 21 different countries, which clearly shows the multifaceted and global nature of the event.
Among the main speakers at the conference there were Carlos Neto, professor at the University of Human Motricity and Carme Montserrat, dean at the University of Girona or Susanne Schwaab, professor of school pedagogy at the University of Vienna.