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OdinS Smart2B

OdinS’ wide contribution to the Smart2B project

Odin Solutions S.L. (OdinS) plays an important role in the Smart2B project: the Spanish company participated in several technical tasks, which included contributions to the Smart2B platform and APIs and the integration of third-party gateways and building managements systems. OdinS is also leading a demonstration pilot in Spain for warm climate non-residential buildings.

First, OdinS developed a NGSI-LD Broker and permanent storage solution that aims at integrating heterogeneous IoT devices communicating their measurements of their physical environment, as well as allowing the transmission of remote actuation commands. These components present a seamless abstraction that hides specific technical details from the software accessing these devices, allowing a faster development of upper-layer services and modules. As a result, the real-time data goes through the platform in a standardized and harmonized manner, which gets stored in a permanent storage solution based on innovative technologies, such as Elasticsearch.

Additionally, OdinS integrated to this harmonizing platform information from external sources, such as weather real-time data and forecasts, as well as energy tariff data from ENTSO-E. The platform gets information from these external sources and adapts it to the same schema based on Smart Data Models — an initiative to generate smart-linked data models led by the FIWARE foundation. The use of standardized linked-data models not only allows for an easier integration, but also fosters the refinement and enhancement of efforts led by other research projects, by tuning and improving based on these results.

Also, OdinS contributed to the Smart2B platform by developing and integrating security-by-design mechanisms to ensure the protected and private data exchanges. A set of components manage cryptographic keys, certificates, and the authentication of users/actors and hardware devices in the Smart2B infrastructure. At the services, platform, and building level, communications between building hardware, data storage and all software services and modules, will rely on protocols with strong cyphers and authentication certificates. These technologies are compliant with EU directives/regulations (e.g. GDPR, NIS, eIDAS) and relevant national legislation.

Each instance of the Smart2B innovations implies a single platform deployment. As a result, several buildings can be managed with a single instance of the platform. These software components run on top of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) systems and libraries, capitalizing on open standardized communication protocols and data formats — saving costly licenses and avoiding vendor-locking. Consequently, the Smart2B platform can be run by any interested user, in fact future-proofing the solution. Also, the achieved design capitalizes on virtualization technologies — Docker or Kubernetes — granting scalability and flexibility.

OdinS also developed an integrating component for the adaptation of pre-existing third-party gateways, Building Management Systems (BMSs) and home assistants. This allows the integration of building devices previously managed through technologies such as HomeAssistant, openHUB, Amazon Alexa or Google Nest.

Furthermore, OdinS leads the Spanish demonstration pilot of Smart2B — a non-residential office complex building of 4.248 square meters with an average of 260 occupants. The demonstration pilot main objectives include:

  • achieve energy savings;
  • improved occupant comfort and well-being;
  • improved automatic monitoring and control of appliances and building equipment.

Finally, OdinS will participate in the exploitation Joint Venture designed and planned by Day One, which will allow OdinS and other partners to develop market-ready products based on the core Smart2B innovations.

OdinS boasts therefore a wide contribution to success of the Smart2B in terms of integration, security, pilot implementation and testing with an active presence in the future business developments of the project.

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