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1st EU4BET webinar: An end-user approach to smart buildings and energy flexibility

In order to overcome climate change and environmental degradation, the European Commission adopted a set of directives to pave the way towards EU climate neutrality by 2050. In that mean, EU will be transformed into a green and resource-resilient economy with zero GHG emissions, economic growth decoupled from external fossil-based fuels, that ensures social coherency at the same time.

COLLECTiEF, PRECEPT, PRELUDE, SATO and Smart2B are EU-funded projects that share common goals, challenges and impacts: the development of devices, platforms, services and business models to achieve smarter buildings and enhance energy flexibility. In order to facilitate the development and the future implementation of these devices, platforms and services, the five projects joined the EU4BET (EU 4 Buildings’ Energy Transition) cluster

This online session aims at highlighting the end-user point of view on these ambitious EU-funded projects; through the stories of the pilots involved in each project, policy makers, industrial stakeholders, building managers, electric utilities and the general public, will be able to experience the benefits of the implementation of the different solutions and see first-hand what a smart building will look like.

The online session is also a unique opportunity for the attendees to focus on technology interoperability, systems integration, energy flexibility and the innovative drive of these efforts.

The interaction with the audience will be ensured through an active discussion during dedicated Q&A slots.

When: November 25th, 2022 | h10.00-11.30

Where: Online (Teams)

Register: here

More Info: here

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