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Second SCML pre-pilot phase Smart2B Workshop

On the 17th of October, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML) organized, together with EDP New, its second Workshop of the pre-pilot phase of the Smart2B project. This workshop was aimed at the children, teenagers and young adults of the foster homes, which will be the SCML pilot buildings. The workshop took place at SCML headquarters in Lisbon and was attended by 30 people in total.

Smart2B SCML team welcomed the participants and, together with the Smart2B EDP team, briefly presented the project, showing the equipment installed in the foster homes and raising the interest of the youngest in the themes of energy efficiency and sustainability.

SCML and EDP New teams divided the participants into 3 groups, according to their ages, with the aim of sharing thoughts, ideas and attitudes in relation to energy, sustainability and the environment. Participants played games related to those themes and answered questions (Quizz) about energy and environmental efficiency. Then they had the opportunity to test the Smart2B App and the gamification component on some tablets that were provided to them.

In the end of the Second SCML Smart2B Workshop, the children and young adults answered a questionnaire to evaluate the proposed solutions, where they were able to give their opinions and suggestions.

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