Innovation Webinars
Discover a series of webinars focused on Smart2B innovations, aiming to present the main projects developments and discuss their relevance in the energy transition context and how they can contribute to improve the smartness of existing buildings.
S2B Webinar Series
Presentation of the project
July 12th, 2022 – Time: 4 PM CEST
In the 1st Smart2B innovations webinar several European Commission initiatives (EC) will be presented, namely the revision of the European Performance of Building Directive (EPBD) and the Smart readiness Indicator (SRI) methodology. Additionally, Smart2B project will be presented, highlighting its technology pillars and the main project key exploitable results, that will be further discussed in the following webinars. Finally, will be discussed how Smart2B can contribute to EU objectives in terms of energy transition and digitalization.
10 min
Simone Alessandri
10 min
Andrei Litiu
10 min
Nuno Mateus
30 min
Q&A session

Simone Alessandri
Simone Alessandri is the Deputy Managing Director – Head of Brussels office at eu.bac, the European Building Automation and Controls Association and Managing Director of eu.esco, the European Association of Energy Service Companies. He joined eu.bac/eu.esco in 2016, representing the Industry towards the European Institutions, focusing in particular on key policy frameworks such as the revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and Ecodesign BACS.
He is also co-administrator of the European Code of Conduct for Energy Performance Contracting.
Simone Alessandri holds a Master of Law from the University of Bologna and a Master of Diplomatic Studies from SIOI-Diplomatic Institute of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Prior to eu.bac, he worked for two years as a Policy Advisor to a Member of the European Parliament.

Andrei Litiu
Building Services Engineer (BSc & MSc) with 10 years-experience in research, design, installation, commissioning and operation of technical building systems with a complementing political ‘dimension’ i.e. sound knowledge and understanding of EU’s decision-making process and EU’s climate and energy policy framework acquired while working as lobbyist for eu.bac and further developed during technical advocacy activities at REHVA. Furthermore, Andrei is experienced with EU Projects e.g. HealthVent, neZEH, Mobistyle, CEN-CE, ALDREN, U-CERT, EPC RECAST and EC Service Contracts e.g. EPB Center (EPB standards). Currently he is working as Building Performance Adviser at REHVA, Executive Director at EPB Center and conducting in parallel applied research on human behaviour and smart buildings as industrial PhD Candidate at KTH Royal Institute of Technology with assistant supervision from “Politecnico” University Turin and “Politehnica” University Timișoara.
All this with the long-term intention of playing his role in supporting the digital transformation of the European building stock which in turn will enable and facilitate to arrive by 2050 at healthy, safe, efficient, flexible and zero-emission buildings for the people.

Nuno Mateus
Project Manager at EDP NEW, Master in engineering of Energy and Environment (2012) and PhD in Energy and Sustainable Development from Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon University(2016), where he developed research work on modellings and dynamic simulation tools in buildings, specialized in the area of natural ventilation, HVAC systems and energy flexibility.
From 2016 till 2018 he worked as a researcher and assistant professor at Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, focusing on areas of energetic flexibility and energetic systems for buildings. Afterwards, he collaborated at ADENE (2018-2021) as specialist in energy performance certification, H2020 projects and having coordinated the transposition of the latest EPBD (Energy Performance Buildings Directive) to Portugal.
At the end of 2021, he joined EDP NEW as a Project Manager in the Energy Positive Communities area to coordinate the H2020 Smart2B project, which aims to increase the smartness of existing buildings.
Smart2B Devices
January 11th, 2023 – Time: 4pm CET
In the second Smart2B innovation webinar, attendees will be able to discover how Smart2B Devices will allow for seamless connection of complex and heterogeneous building energy systems (HVAC, EV chargers, energy storage, etc.) legacy appliances, and how they can contribute to upgrading the smartness of existing buildings.
In addition, NET2GRID will show how they are able to provide the most accurate residential energy insights and predictions thanks to the unique know-how in collecting and analyzing smart meter data of all granularities.
Finally, Smart Energy Lab will present how smart devices can be used to build a Living Lab.
10 mins
Marco Martellacci
10 mins
Bert Lutje Berenbroek
10 mins
Rui Martins
Smart Energy Lab
30 mins
Q&A Session

Marco Martellacci
CSO and Co-Founder of Enerbrain, a company founded in 2015 to reduce energy consumption and deliver better air quality and comfort in buildings. The Enerbrain system is an IoT solution based on innovative algorithms and Artificial Intelligence, which radically improves the energy management in buildings resulting in high energy savings and better indoor comfort levels for our customers. Currently I lead the company’s Innovation team and contribute to the definition of the product of tomorrow. Before Enerbrain, I worked for more than 15 years as business intelligence consultant. I have a background in applied scientific research and a degree in Cybernetic Physics. My working career makes me an expert in business intelligence and patents. I pride myself on my 20-year experience in data analysis and algorithms.

Bert Lutje Berenbroek
Bert Lutje Berenbroek has a 20 year experience in the semiconductor business with innovative
companies in Silicon Valley and Boston. He started NET2GRID 10 years ago with the vision that
access to real time energy data is a necessary piece of the puzzle supporting the energy transition.

Rui Martins
(Smart Energy Lab)
Rui Martins graduated in Environmental Engineering at the University of the Azores in 2006 and then worked as Researcher/Project Manager on international projects related to energy efficiency, the integration of renewable energies and adaptation to climate changes in Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) where he stayed for 6 years. In 2012, he moved to the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), where he stayed for 4 years as R&D Engineer, he then moved back to Portugal to join the Sustainable Innovation Center (SIC) in ISQ with the role of Energy R&D Program Manager. In 2019 he moved to Azores as Project Officer in the Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre). Currently he is the R&D Program Manager in Smart Energy Lab, responsible for the competitive funding applications and project management. He has also been actively collaborating with the European Commission as an external expert evaluating proposals and monitoring projects from H2020 and Horizon EU programs over the last 5 years.
Smart2B Platform
April 27th, 2023 – Time: 4pm CET
In the third Smart2B innovation webinar, attendees will be able to learn about the Smart2B Platform and how a community-enabled smart readiness platform can support the creation of an open competitive market for third party developers of energy management services and IoT devices that could be integrated in the platform for upgrading any kind of building. In addition, Data Cellar project will present the methodology developed for a common data ontology in the energy domain and the relevant interoperability challenges.
Finally, algoWatt will bridge the gap between research activity and solution delivery for business partners and customers: an interesting challenge for any innovation-oriented company. Based on a proven expertise in international projects as a renowned solution provider and system integrator in the digital energy domain, the presentation will focus on the challenges faced in implementing a mission-critical solution for an important bank group that needed to implement a complex HVAC control systems in all its headquarters and premises, minimizing energy consumption, implementing Optimal Start-Stop loops and guaranteeing adequate comfort to occupants. Lessons learnt, best practices and practical advices will be possibly provided to contribute to the Smart2B research.
10 mins
Jesus Sanchez-Gomez
10 mins
Anastasis Tzoumpas
10 mins
Stefano Bianchi
algoWatt SpA
30 mins
Q&A Session

Jesus Sanchez-Gomez
Jesus Sanchez-Gomez is a senior researcher at OdinS. He received the B.Sc. degree in computer engineering and the M.Sc. degree (New Technologies) in computer science from the University of Murcia, in 2017 and 2018, respectively. He worked as researcher from 2019 to 2022 in OdinS with the collaboration of the University of Murcia under the Fundación Séneca–Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología FPI Grant. In 2021, he received a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Murcia. Currently, Jesus works as a Senior Researcher in OdinS in collaboration with the Torres Quevedo Post-Doc Grant, participating in proposal writing and project delivery. Since 2018, he has participated on international projects like CYSEMA, IoTrust, H2020 Plug-n-Harvest, SMART2B and HE REWIRE. His research interests include LPWANs, 5G and IoT applied to multiple sectors like Smart Cities and Smart Agriculture.

Stefano Bianchi
(algoWatt SpA)
Stefano BIANCHI, Research & Innovation Manager in algoWatt SpA, Biomedical Engineering degree from the University of Genoa. More than 20 years of experience in Research and Innovation projects: European (eContent-Worksafe, eContent-ERDDS, eTEN-EuOrphan, IST-K-Wf Grid, eTEN-EuroWorksafe, eContentPlus-AquaRing, IST-Accessibile, HEALTH-Hypergenes, ICT-TELL ME, ICT-ANASTACIA, MG-IMOVE, MG-TRUSTONOMY, H2020-VPP4ISLANDS, HORIZON-MASTERPIECE, HORIZON-FLEXCHESS, HORIZON-THUMBSUP) and national projects (CCSE RSE-SmartGen, FIMSER-GLIMS, CSEA-Podcast, CSEA-VIRTUS, POR-FESR-eSCALE, POR-FESR-PASCAL, START4.0-SAMPLE, POR-FESR-ER4SMUS). His experience ranges from user requirements analysis to system architecture design, with emphasis on complementary activities such as market analysis and business model planning, dissemination and exploitation, support of project technical and administrative coordination. He coordinated the H2020 ANASTACIA project ( on IoT/CPS cybersecurity, the Italian CSEA projects PODCAST ( on smart grids and VIRTUS ( on Virtual Power Plants (VPP) and H2020 TRUSTONOMY ( on trust in autonomous driving, respectively.

Anastasis Tzoumpas
Anastasis Tzoumpas is the Head of Unit of Electrical Power and Energy Systems at UBITECH ENERGY. He has studied at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens. His research interests during the last 20 years include Energy, Oil and Gas, IoT Technologies, Industrial Automation, Smart Platforms, Immersive and Interactive Systems. He is the Bridge Business Models WG Task 2 Chair and Technical Coordinator of FARCROSS. In DATA CELLAR he is leading the activities for the assessment of relevant existing EU databases and how to interconnect to them and the other ENERGY Dataspace as well as the Data-Driven Energy Services Development activities.
S2B Services
July 6th, 2023 – Time: 5pm CET
In the fourth Smart2B innovation webinar, attendees will be able to learn about the modular and cost-effective Smart2B Services. The services framework will be presented and will be demonstrated how building scan be controlled at cloud and edge level, using AI and machine learning algorithms to analyze and prepare the buildings and user data collected from the Smart2B devices, consolidating and optimizing Smart2B objectives through newly developed, modular APIs and translating the increased smart readiness of buildings into effective capabilities for improved occupant satisfaction, energy saving and flexibility management.
In addition, INESC Coimbra will give an overview of past and ongoing projects on energy flexibility, demand-side management, integrated management of flexible resources at individual and community level and consumer behavior.
Finally, ThermoVault will discuss technical and practical challenges that we encounter in today’s environment, and consider which developments would increase the potential of smart building systems in the near future.
10 mins
Sarnavi Mahesh
10 mins
Ana Soares
INESC Coimbra
10 mins
Hermen Toersche
30 mins
Q&A Session

Sarnavi Mahesh
Sarnavi Mahesh is a researcher at the Flemish Institute of Technological Research (VITO) in Belgium since October 2021. Sarnavi specializes in mathematical optimization and control engineering. He is involved in developing control, scheduling, and estimation solutions for energy management of buildings within the scope of mainly H2020 projects, such as AMBIENCE, EXCESS, INTERCONNECT, SMART2B. He is also involved in development of in-house EV charge scheduling solution at VITO. Prior to VITO, he worked at Siemens Digital Industries, Belgium, between October 2019 and September 2021 and was developing reinforcement learning based energy management solution for hybrid vehicles. Sarnavi holds a PhD in Distributed Optimization and a MSc in Control Engineering.

Ana Soares
(INESC Coimbra)
Ana Soares is a researcher at Institute for Systems Engineering and Computers at Coimbra (INESC Coimbra), Portugal, where she is also a science manager, invited Assistant Professor at University of Coimbra (teaching Intelligent Energy Management in Buildings and Electrical Energy Management) and member of the Coordination Committee of the Scientific Council of INESC Coimbra. Between June 2016 and December 2020 she worked at EnergyVille, VITO, Belgium, where she was mainly involved in H2020 projects aiming at finding optimized solutions for maximizing energy flexibility. She also contributed to project proposals writing and preliminary studies for the European Commission. Ana Soares holds a PhD degree in Sustainable Energy Systems from the University of Coimbra – MIT Portugal Program, a MSc degree in Electrical Engineering and Computers (Energy) and a MSc degree in Energy for Sustainability (Energy Systems and Policy).

Hermen Toersche
Hermen Toersche works as an R&D/embedded software engineer at ThermoVault, a company specialised in retrofit control of residential electric storage water heaters for energy efficiency and flexibility. Hermen is responsible for developing the local functionality of the retrofit solution. He worked in a similar position on battery management systems. He has an MSc degree in computer science and a PhD degree in energy system optimization, and participated in several research projects where integration of existing devices in a smart building plays a key role, focusing on algorithm development (DREAM), device abstraction (HEGRID) and system development (RES4BUILD).
S2B user-interaction App: a successful case about how to increase user engagement
February 6th, 2024 – Time: 4pm CET
In the fifth Smart2B innovation webinar, attendees will be able to learn about the Smart2B User-interface applications and how it can contribute to the user engagement and impacts on the individual energy consumption. A live demo will be performed showcasing the applications developed which comprise the interactive component, the dashboards and user interfaces for the several Smart2B actors (occupants, building managers and building owners), the smart readiness advising and gamification component.
In addition, ASM will offers a comprehensive insight into the integration of eye-tracking technology in mobile UX/UI design through the presentation of the Easierphone App development case study.
Finally, CInsights will discuss technical and practical challenges which lead to stagnating customer engagement and “Why energy utilities need to look more into user-centric energy models”.
10 mins
Manuel J. Fonseca
10 mins
Łukasz Wilczyński
10 mins
Sean Layerle
30 mins
Q&A Session

Manuel J. Fonseca
Manuel J. Fonseca is an Associate Professor with Habilitation at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Head of the Informatics Department, and a senior researcher at LASIGE. He holds a PhD (2004) in Information Systems and Computer Engineering from IST/TULisbon. His main research areas include Human-Computer Interaction, Affective Computing, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Health Systems, and Multimedia Information Retrieval. Throughout his career, he has participated or is participating in seven European projects, including FAST, SmartSketches, Eurotooling21, SATIN, ITACA, SATO, and Smart2B, being responsible for the participation of his research unit in three of them. He participated in six National projects, being Principal Investigator in three. He has published more than 120 refereed scientific papers and book chapters, has participated in more than 60 conference program committees, and has been a reviewer for several international journals and conferences. He was the supervisor of 3 PhD theses and of 50+ Master theses. He is a senior member of IEEE and ACM.

Łukasz Wilczyński
Łukasz Wilczyński is a sociologist and researcher with over a decade of experience in international project management. Skilled in market research, social sciences, humanities, and user experience design. Presently employed at ASM Research Solutions Strategy, managing various international projects, including Horizon Europe, AAL, and Erasmus+.

Sean Layerle
Sean Layerle is the founder of CInsights and an internationally experienced Product Management leader. Prior to CInsights, Sean was Chief Product Officer at Advizzo and a Client Solutions Director at Opower. Strongly influenced by 14 years in Silicon Valley, Sean has spent his career on the cutting edge of digital solutions for B2B and B2C energy management. He has worked with many of the largest and most innovative energy suppliers across North America, Europe and the Middle East.
Sean’s digital product expertise spans the entire sector value chain : from deploying cloud platforms for the management of flexibility assets to data analytics for commercial building energy efficiency to creating digital experiences for residential customers engagement.He brings a very particular point of view on digital products from his experience with applied behavioural science, one of CInsights’ core practice areas.
Sean’s leadership in the field has also been recognised in academia: he is a lecturer to Masters students at EM Lyon and to MBA students at IFP Paris.