Smart2B at EUSEW 2024
The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is the biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe and comprises a series of activities aimed at building a secure and clean energy future for Europe.
EUSEW 2024 will take place on 11-13 June in Brussels, with the possibility to follow the event online also. This year’s edition comprises a high-level Policy Conference, the EUSEW Awards, and the fifth European Youth Energy Day and includes also opportunities to strengthen connections with the EUSEW community at the Energy Fair.
Smart2B will be present at the energy fair at the Smart buildings and the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) booth C-7. Featuring SMEs and start-ups, industry and professional associations, networks of national, regional and local authorities, consumer associations, citizens’ groups, youth associations and many more, the Energy Fair fosters deep social connections and information-sharing by bringing together key players in the field of sustainable energy.
Smart2B will showcase concrete examples of innovative technologies to make our buildings smarter, in cooperation with several research and innovation projects co-funded by Horizon Europe and LIFE: SRI2MARKET, Smart Square, EasySRI, SRI-ENACT, SMARTER EPC, tunES, iEPB, BuildON, Demo-BLog and the SRI Suppor Team.
See you there!