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Smart2B meeting Murcia

Smart2B’s 5th General Assembly in Murcia, Spain

The Smart2B consortium met again, approximately six months after the last time, in Murcia, Spain, on 7-8 May 2024.

The event, organized in a very effective way by OdinS, was an opportunity for the project partners to meet and share the progress of the different work packages that make up the project.

The two-day Spanish event was in fact very important since it took place just four months before the end of the project and the following review by the European Commission. Making an assessment of the activities and planning the next actions is therefore very important.

The General Assembly was divided into various technical sessions, which allowed to investigate deeper into the progress of the work, the results achieved and evaluate the actions that the partners will have to carry out to obtain the expected objectives.

Smart2B Murcia

From a technical point of view, the installation and integration of the various components has been carried out: monitoring and interaction with the various services has been activated in the various pilot sites; the web application allows users to monitor and interact with various services. In the coming months, work will focus on finalizing and making operational all the processes relating to the Smart2B solution.

From post-project development point of view, the General Assembly was important in defining in detail the involvement of the partners in the exploitation strategy.

The results obtained within the project will be presented at the end of the project in a dedicated conference, the agenda of which was shared and discussed during the meeting in Murcia.

For the entire consortium, the meeting was also an opportunity to visit the Alcantarilla Office Complex, one of the pilot sites in which the various components of the Smart2B solution were activated.

Smart2B Murcia

Beyond the technical part of the meeting, Murcia will be remembered as a further confirmation of the close relationship that binds the partners of the Smart2B project: the efficient collaboration in achieving the scientific objectives also corresponds to a growing friendship between the people involved in the project.

The entire Smart2B consortium is therefore looking forward to meeting again in Lisbon in four months to complete the long work done over the last three years and celebrate together over a beer (or maybe two!).

Go Smart2B!

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