The project

About Smart2B

A challenge for the building sector

With the objective of ensuring a low carbon and flexible energy system, the EU aims to increase energy efficiency by 32.5% and reach a 32% share of renewable energy (RE) by 2030. At present, the EU building stock remains energy intensive and predominantly inefficient, accounting for 40% of the final energy consumption and 36% of the EU CO2 emissions; EU buildings must therefore evolve from their current static and inefficient profile to smart dynamic players that seek a beneficial coexistence with the grid.

Smart2B project, which is funded by the EC within the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme, takes up the challenge and proposes the creation of a smart building system – consisting of devices, platform and services – that places citizens, building users and Citizens Energy Communities (CECs) at the heart of the building energy transition.

In this context, smart buildings interact with their occupants and the grid in real-time, untapping energy efficiency and local flexibility.

This approach can transform the existing building stock into an interconnected active element of the energy system by upgrading to higher smartness levels the existing building equipment, individual buildings, and entire building blocks.

Smart2B will include comprehensive demonstrators in different pilot sites located in Mediterranean climate and in central and northern European climate. The demonstrators aim at showcasing the seamless integration of the developed Smart2B solutions in diverse building typologies to facilitate the smart control of smart appliances and legacy equipment.

Smart2B Concept

Technology pillars

Devices & building interfaces

Allow for seamless connection of complex and heterogeneous building energy systems comprising not-yet-connected devices, smart appliances and upgraded legacy appliances as well as IoT interfaces and gateways.

Platform & APIs

A community-enabled smart readiness platform that serves as the middle layer of the Smart2B system that enables seamless integration, knowledge extraction and control.

Management & transversal services

AI and machine learning algorithms are used to analyse and prepare the building and user data collected from the Smart2B devices, consolidating and optimising the various Smart2B objectives through newly developed, modular APIs

User interaction, client engagement & social innovation

Involves and engages the multiple stakeholders (occupants, building managers, communities, system operators) through mobile apps and web-based applications as well as gamification.

Smart2B Concept

Smart2B overview

Meet our Partners

Smart2B consortium